Field Dominance vs Starting Salaries
Produced a poster of starting salaries for university graduates based on field dominance.
South Eastern Freeway Traffic Flow
Produced a dynamic visualisation of traffic flow along the South Eastern Freeway.
Dashboard Block for Moodle
Produced a dashboard for easy access to content for both students and teachers to use within Moodle.
Road Closure Marking Robot
Built and programmed a robot and software controller to allow an operator to safely navigate a disaster zone.
Benchmarking Map Reduce on Twitter Feeds
Analysed the effectiveness of Map Reduce for analysing Twitter feeds by producing benchmarks.
Microsoft Office Document Analysis
Produced a tool able to analyse the structure of various Microsoft Office documents.
Map Sharing in GME for Android
Worked on a solution for implementing the sharing of maps in Google Maps Engine for Android.
The Coworking Sociatea
For Unleashed Adelaide 2014, produced a web application which links independent workers together and to a work environment.